Native Ios Mobile Application

Native Mobile Apps Development

The most popular type of smartphone is native mobile applications. They are developed for particular platforms and are written in languages approved by the platform. Native is now the favoured solution for a variety of application developers. Native applications are often designed for the specified operating systems using the same Integrated Development Environment ( IDE). For example, Swift and Objective-C for native iOS apps and Java or Kotlin for native Android apps.

For Android apps, the natural language is Java and for iOS applications Goal-C and the new Swift. The three leading smartphone operating systems are Google Android, Apple iOS, and Windows Phone. Apple and Google also have their own programming tools, design features, and SDK for software developers. Due to the multitude of advantages provided in comparison to other types of applications, most organizations would invest in native mobile app growth. Apps and the best overall performance are given for native apps. Multitouch, quicker graphic APIs, smooth animation, built-in elements and ease of use are some of the standard features of the native programme.


IOS Development

The name of the operating system running the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad is iOS. It's the main programme loaded on all smartphones to enable them to run other applications and support them. For the iPhone, iOS is what Windows is for PCs or Mac OS X is for Macs. Alongside Android, it is the second most common smartphone operating system globally.

SwiftUI is one of the popular tools we use in Malaysia for iOS app creation. It was based on decades of experience in the creation of the world's most imaginative and intuitive user interfaces. In your code, all that consumers enjoy about Apple environments, such as controls and platform-specific features, is beautiful. SwiftUI is fully native, so with a small amount of code and an interactive interface canvas, the apps access the established technology of each platform directly.



Why iOS

There are several reason why need to choose Ios Apps:


1) Fluid and configured

IOS runs target C, which is actually a superset of C, which is a high-level language that is translated into computer code.


2) Security & Privacy

Since Android brings freedom to a whole new dimension, most developers place unwanted software permissions on smartphones. Bringing iPhone applications into the App Store is really simple, Google doesn't even search for malware, and the subscription cost is approx.


3) Frequent Update

Android and iOS are modified quite differently from each other. Google uses Play Services to maintain certain aspects of Android's security and device stability, and iOS upgrades do not provide all functionality for older versions. But there's also no doubt that updates are best done on iOS than on Android.


IOS Architecture


1) Cocoa Touch Layer

For creating applications operating on iOS, Cocoa Touch, which includes the Base and UIKit frameworks, is used. It was Defines as the basic application. It’s Provides key functionalities such as inputs based on multitasking and touch and it comprises modules such as the framework EventKit, the framework GameKit, the framework MapKit, and the framework MessageKit.


2) Media Service Layer

The media layer includes all the functionality of iOS to support audio, video,

graphics and animation and it includes framework such as the Core Audio framework, the Core Text framework, System for Core Picture.


3) Core Service Layer

The Core Service Layer includes upper layer services which requires framework such as the address book framework, the main location framework, the main telephony framework.


4) Core OS Layer

Core Os layer provide processing, security for IOS apps and interfacing. It’s also Requires external accessory, system framework, accelerate framework and security framework.



  • "Iphone, iOS Mobile App Development Company, Hire iPhone App Developers Malaysia", Xenber Sdn Bhd, 2020. [Online]. Available:
  • "Hybrid vs. Native",, 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 06- Oct- 2020].
  • F. Aleem, "Layered Architecture used by iOS and it’s Performance & Portability", 2020. [Online]. Available:'s_Performance_Portability. [Accessed: 06- Oct- 2020].

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