Top 5 Mobile Application Development Framework

Mobile Application Development Frameworks

React Native

React Native is one of the most recommended Mobile App Frameworks in the development industry. The framework, created by Facebook, is an open-source framework that offers you to develop mobile applications for Android & iOS platforms. The React Native framework is based on React and JavaScript that aims to develop native applications over hybrid applications that run on a web-view. Moreover, it is a cross-platform development framework that uses the single code base for both Android & iOS applications. Some of the major benefits of React Native are mentioned below:

  • Code Re-usability & Cost-Effective
  • Compatible with third-party plugins
  • Re-usable components for optimal performance
  • Provides hot deployment features
  • Ease of Maintenance

There are various renowned mobile applications built with React Native such as Instagram, Soundcloud, Uber Eats, and many more.


Flutter, developed by Google, is a UI toolkit to build native applications for the mobile, desktop &  web platform. Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development framework that works on one code base to develop Android as well as iOS applications. The framework provides a large range of fully customizable widgets that helps to build native applications in a shorter span. Moreover, Flutter uses the 2D rendering engine called Skia for developing visuals and its layered architecture ensures the effective functioning of components. Some of the major benefits of Flutter are mentioned below:

  • Provides Full Native Performance
  • Flexible User interface (UI)
  • Provides Strong Widget Support
  • Offers Built-in Material Design
  • Fast Application Development

Some of the major mobile applications that are built on Flutter are – Google Ads, Hamilton, SpaceX Go, Watermaniac, and various others.


Xamarin is also one of the most popular open-source framework used to develop mobile applications. The framework, acquired by Microsoft, is based on .Net and allows you to build native applications for Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. Xamarin comes with almost every required tools and library needed to build native applications and offers you to create rich experiences using native UI elements. Moreover, Xamarin also supports the feature of sharing the common codebase to make the development process more efficient and cost-effective. There are various benefits of Xamarin, some of these are mentioned below:

  • Huge Community of around 1.4 million developers
  • Native API Access & UI Support
  • Easier API Integration
  • Target All Platforms
  • Cost-Effective & Faster Development Process

Some of the most popular and renowned mobile applications that are built on Xamarin are – OLO, Alaska Airlines, Storyo, and many more.

Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is an open-source mobile application development framework that merges the implementation of the Bootstrap and Angular framework. The framework offers various UI components such as overlays, switches, sidebars, navbars, scrollable areas, etc. to provide robust and attractive user interfaces for the applications. Furthermore, Mobile Angular UI supports fastclick.js and overthrow.js to create rich experiences. Moreover, Mobile Angular UI supports cross-browser compatibility that allows it to automatic handling of JavaScript code for each browser. Some of the major benefits of Mobile Angular UI are mentioned below:

  • Responsive Framework
  • Offers Interactive Components
  • LightWeight
  • No jQuery dependencies
  • Easier conversion from the web or desktop application to the mobile app

There are various renowned mobile applications built with Mobile Angular UI such as Hotelier News, iKeyBox, and many more.


Ionic, developed in 2013, is an open-source framework that allows you to build cross-platform mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS & JavaScript. The application built through Ionic framework can work on android, iOS & Windows platforms. The framework offers numerous default UI components such as forms, action sheets, filters, navigation menu, and many more for attractive and worthwhile design. Moreover, Ionic has its own command-line interface and various other in-built features such as Ionic Native, Cordova-Based App packages, etc. Some of the major benefits of Ionic are mentioned below:

  • Faster Application Development
  • Availability of Cordova Plugins
  • Built-in UI components
  • Platform Independent
  • Based on AngularJS

There are various renowned mobile applications built with Ionic such as MarketWatch, Amtrak, and many more. 



Borah, R. (n.d.). Top Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2020. Retrieved December 03, 2020, from

Best 7 Mobile App Development Frameworks That Will Be In Demand in 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved December 03, 2020, from

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