The developer can talking about a language that is used by the team in order to connect all the activities of the team with the software. The ubiquitous language of DDD helps when it comes to knowing more about terms that are used by the business experts. The tech team is able to know if the language changes and if a specific term will be used for a different meaning.
The context is a setting that determines the meaning of a statement.
The context mapping is a graph that connects the contexts together. For each context, you find a language, an independent implementation, and an interface to talk to other bounded contexts.
Bounded context is the context in which the ubiquitous language and the corresponding models are valid. It gives the team a clear understanding of what has to be consistent and what can be developed independently.
The model is a system that describes the selected aspects of a domain and that is often used to solve problems that are related to that particular domain.
Everyone ends up using the same language and terms and the team is sharing a model with domain driven design. Developers communicate better with the business team and the work is more efficient when it comes to establishing solutions for the models that reflect how the business operates and instead of how the software operates.
Teams find communication much easier during the development cycle because from the beginning, they focus on establishing the ubiquitous language that is common to development and business experts. The language is linked to the domain model of the project and technical aspects are referred to through simple terms that all understand.
The developer can end up with more readable code and less duplication with DDD.
All the teams are able to understand where certain integrations are important and why. So that, users know users're getting a good software architecture.
DDD can helps the team creating a common model. The teams from the business’ side and from the developer’s side can then use this model to communicate about the business requirements, the data entities, and process models.
The fact that there are clean boundaries around pure models enables the developers to put their efforts into what matters the most, it enables them to focus on the solution.