What is server management?

Server management is about access and control of servers for monitoring and maintenance, this is to ensure they are operating in an optimal state. Server management is comprised of the management of multiple components such as hardware, software, security, and backups. Hardware components such as RAM and CPU are to be monitored to ensure optimal performance, the software is to be updated to the latest version, while security is ensured using antivirus tools, firewalls encryption and etc.

The primary goal of server management is to optimize the performance of the server and to do so involves server monitoring and visibility of the given server.

The strategies involved are:

  • Minimize server downtime and slowdowns.
  • Ensure the server evolves with the organization to ensure it meets the requirements of the organization.
  • Secure server resources


The server management basics


To ensure the server’s health, basic tasks need to be performed by the system administrators in certain intervals. The tasks are listed below:

Make sure server management software, server management tool, and server management service are given access to the server that the system administrator is tasked with


  • Ability to start, install and update software or firmware using the basic server management functions
  • Perform proper setup of new functions, upgrade existing functions.
  • Able to properly monitor the server for status, performance, and anomaly detection.
  • Can use server management tools help bring the server’s performance up a notch 
  • Capacity planning includes the ability to forecast the server in resources which can provide administrators to prepare a plan to add additional resources when the time arrives.
  • Alerting: When errors or incidents occur it will alarm the administrator through various means.
  • Server management and tools


There are various existing user management and monitoring tools available for organization usage to upgrade their server management, this ensures smooth flow with automation and utility features. Everything is situational as there are different types of servers the organization is trying to manage, thus there are a few factors needed to be considered when searching for server management and monitoring tools.


Factors needed to be considered when choosing server management tools

Server management tools come with different abilities, as such here is a list of what to consider when choosing user management tools.

  • Coverage

Firstly you need to find out what servers and applications your organization will be using. After that, you need to consider if the server management tools are able to cover all the types of needs in the server


  • User interface

Most of the basic administration functions can be accessed via the terminal. But the terminal is but part of the functions as it is not capable of handling complex functions thus the tools chosen should come with less complexity  thus making the task more feasible


  • Alerting

 The ability to limit certain workings in the system and if it passed the thresholds an alert will be generated through email, SMS, etc



  • (2021). Retrieved from https://www.serverwatch.com/servers/server-management/
  • (2021). Retrieved from https://www.dnsstuff.com/server-management

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