Python vs Java

Features of Python

  1. Python is easy to type language. It has got easy syntax and requires a little knowledge of OOP to learn it. Also, it is dynamically typed therefore, you need not define the type of the variables.

  2. One of the most striking features of Python is that it is free and open-source.

  3. It is a high-level language, i.e., it is human readable and human understandable.

  4. It is object-oriented language and follows the object-oriented paradigm making its program to be written easily and increases the reusability of the code.

  5. It is interpreted language. It is compiled and executed simultaneously line by line and throws an error as soon as it encounters one.


Features of Java

  1. It is an object-oriented programming language which makes writing code easy.

  2. Memory allocation takes place at run-time that is why a java program can be compiled even without the main function.

  3. It is platform independent, which is one of the most significant features of Java. The Java codes are not compiled directly, they are first converted to a bytecode which can be run on any platform which has JVM.

  4. Java is an interpreted language which means that the Java code compiles and runs simultaneously.

  5. Java is widely distributed due to its platform independent nature.


Similarities between Python and Java

  1. Both languages have strong cross-platform support and extensive standard libraries.

  2. Both languages compile to bytecode, but Python is usually compiled at runtime.

  3. They are both members of Algol family, although Python deviates further C or C++ than Java does.


Differences between Python and Java

  1. Python is an interpreted language is a type of programming language for which most of its implementations execute instructions directly and freely, without previously compiling a program into machine language instructions. While, Java is a compiled language is a programming language whose implementations are typically compilers (translators that generate machine code from source code) and not step-by-step executors of source code, where no pre-runtime translation takes place.

  2. Python is a dynamically-typed general-purpose programming language means that there is no need to declare the type of the variable while writing code because it is assumed at runtime. While, Java is a statically typed general-purpose programming language means that one has to declare the type while writing code.

  3. In python, it is way easier to write code than in Java because of syntax. While, syntactically in java, we have to write a lot.

  4. Due to simple syntax, code is written in python are usually 3-5 times shorter than its counterpart. While, Lines of code written in Java is usually lengthier than in Python.

  5. Python too is a portable language as Java is, but it is somehow less popular in comparison to its counterpart. While, Java is a portable language, so do its counterpart, but due to its popularity, it wins the race when portability is a factor.

  6. Python’s database access layer is weaker than Java’s JDBC, so it is less used in enterprise applications where critical database application exists. While, Java has its own database access module, JDBC, which is very powerful, and with JDBC, it is possible to connect to almost every database available.

  7. Python is an interpreted language, and it is expected to run slower than its counterpart. While, 

  8. Java is a compiled language, and so the compiler changes the source code to an intermediate binary form called JVM bytecode. So it is faster.



Java performance vs Python is both in it for the long haul. Java performance and Python are both suited for development, but the choice is dependent on many aspects, which once should analyze it before choosing.



  1. Java Performance vs Python. (December 2021). Retrieved from
  2. Python vs Java: Which is best? Code examples and comparison. (December 2021). Retrieved from

  3. Java vs. Python. (December 2021). Retrieved from

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