The problems in Web Development Projects and How to Solve Them

In the current information, era change is occurring everywhere every second. Things that are relevant a few years ago might become irrelevant in the next and this applies to the rules of business too.

Currently, there are different ways from finding an employee to hiring one, reaching new customers to retaining them. Customers nowadays are able to know everything about the product and the organization selling the product before they start shopping for your product.

Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are being used as a review and reviewers are being used to promote products for the organization. This is where marketing image is important as this customer will decide whether they are to buy the product of interest or not.

Websites nowadays represent what you can offer to the world. There are currently a huge amount of websites up and running but there are some that are not successful and these websites are mostly suffering from problems and we are figuring out how to solve them

  • Unable to accurately tell what it's going to cost

The costs of what we are working on could wary. It is almost impossible to tell a constant cost of a project as we wouldn't be able to know what is needed along the way of completing the project as there would be details, analysis, situational costs, and additional requirements.


Putting upfront a reasonable budget for what the project entails, If the budget is on the low spectrum it is important to prioritize core features first before going through anything else, or else the project might not even function properly


  • Unclear Requirements

Developers hired by companies and did more than a dozen web works are bound to learn to ask for specific information and details on the client’s requirements on what the finished product should look like and how it needs to operate. Overall the costs of the project are mostly affected by this as minor requirements might hugely impact the finished product.


  • Requirements Can Get in the Way of a Better Solution

As developers, it is common to realize better solutions during certain junction of the project but this solution comes with a cost, cost of undoing previous requirements given by the client as such it is important to consider what the clients want and propose a solution that meets all the customer’s requirement, in this process, it is important to have a clear idea on what the clients end goals are on the website. During this process priorities according to the customer’s wants and needs and the latter small details and be worked out during the development process.


  • Unable to meet the Launch Date

It isn't easy to follow a schedule of the project as many different variables may disrupt this schedule such as sudden additional or changes of requirements by the clients as such it is important to not work on a large number of projects in parallel which may affect your physical and mental health which in turn will also affect the project finish time and quality of the project.


  • The launch of the site is just the beginning

The website is just the beginning of the end, there is always a need for adjustment for it to continue forward. When a website is launched the clients need to be educated about the truth as commission for a new website is not necessary when the website is already up and running is still able to keep up with the times. 


  • Content Management System

The content management system in front of the source code is costly, but having one allows you to get more business.

  • Security measures are up to date.

On the internet there are many cyber crimes that occurred as such having the content management system is of help to prevent this, keeping it up to date at all times makes sure that your website is more secure.

  • Make sure the site is very well backed up

Content management systems are able to store data inside a database. The common web hosts prompt you on how to back these up. There will be interval backups allowing selective restore on particular files and so on but hosts usually use FTP for file transfer which is obsolete a long time ago.



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